Spring Framework


Optional Path Variables

@RequestMapping(value = {"/article", "/article/{id}"})
public Article getArticle(@PathVariable Map<String, String> pathVarsMap) {
    String articleId = pathVarsMap.get("id");
    if (articleId != null) {
        Integer articleIdAsInt = Integer.valueOf(articleId);
    } else {

Pointcut Expressions


  • *: Matches any number of characters within a package name, but only matches one package level. |
  • ..: Matches any number of characters within a package name, and matches any number of package levels. |


  • execution: For matching method execution join points, this is the primary pointcut designator you will use when working with Spring AOP.
  • within: Within certain types.
  • this: Bean reference is an instance of the given type.
  • target: Target object is an instance of the given type.
  • args: Arguments are instances of the given types.
  • @annotation: Has the given annotation.


  • &&: Logical AND.
  • ||: Logical OR.
  • !: Logical NOT.


  • execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..)): Matches any method execution in the service package.
  • execution(* com.example.service..*.*(..)): Matches any method execution in the service package and any sub-package.
  • within(com.example.service.*): Matches any join point in the service package.
  • within(com.example.service..*): Matches any join point in the service package and any sub-package.
  • this(com.example.service.SomeService): Matches any join point where the proxy implements the SomeService interface.
  • target(com.example.service.SomeService): Matches any join point where the target object implements the SomeService interface.
  • args(java.io.Serializable): Matches any join point where the arguments are Serializable.
  • @annotation(com.example.annotation.SomeAnnotation): Matches any join point where the method has the SomeAnnotation annotation.

See also